Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Week 5

Its week 5! which means we need to not only have all the animations that were done uploaded to the game, but all the obstacles, and power ups as well. The midterm is Thursday.

As of right now from this post.
Tika has uploaded a suburban environment which is very well done,
Andrea needs to upload her sprite sheets to give to Obasi.
Andrew is doing 2 of the human animations, after finishing the mower.
Justin is doing the other 2 human animations, after he finishes the Zombie wall.
Logan needs to finish the power ups, and begin adding the HUD elements.
Obasi is adding the final touches to making the game Beta worthy.
Josh will be adding some unique obstacles with certain Easter eggs.

All in all, we are on schedule, and with just a few hiccups, we plan to have the rest of the animations done by week 7. and have any bugs fixed by the end of week 6.
week 8 is when we begin to add more to the game, like more zombies, humans, obstacles, environments etc.

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