Thursday, August 14, 2014

Zombie Mower Alpha Notes

A Most Excellent Game!


  • Transitions between environments.
  • Noise or bigger visual to signify store.
  • Zombie wall animation.
  • Larger animation for player character.
  • Environment looping longer (2 or 3 times) before switch.
  • Something to signify a zombie is being thrown.
  • Percentages or number out of number tally for stats.
  • Instruction to include power ups and store button.
  • Fill out about page with credits and story.
  • Background for store and start page.
  • Bigger image for obstacles.
  • Pressing 'S' in store goes to a blank page.
  • Helper animation bugs when he hits a zombie.
  • The animation on putting the net away has an extra frame that extends the net.
  • Restart needs to reset the purchases and prices.
  • Zombies, humans, and obstacles need shadows.
  • Add a nuke power up.
  • Scale farm environment down vertically.
  • More apparent benefit to upgrading mower.
  • A speedometer to show how "fast" he player is going
  • Turn off "G-Man" cheat.
  • Add additional zombies and humans (when they come in).
  • Change environment looping to (City -> Suburb -> Farm -> Suburb -> City)
  • Change combo meter to pop ups at certain numbers (Killtacular!)
  • Does combo effect score?
Add Music.

Add Sound Effects for: 
Power Ups
Zombie Kill
Zombie Attack
Human Save
Human Kill
Obstacle Hit
Zombie Thrown

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