Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Last Week

And then their was one.
Obasi has been given all the files, every one has finished their art pieces, and we await the finish line thats closing in.
The game will be ready to play come Thursday.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Game Critique

Notes on game:

Opening Menu Screen- The zombies in it are at a very low resolution. In the game they look allot better. Instead of taking the sprite sheet and enlarging it, get the original file of one of the zombies you want and then scale from that. Using that whole sprite sheet you are competing with the other images. 

In Game:

Shadows- Is there any way to add shadows to characters and zombie wall? They just all look like they are floating. 

The main player- character is still too small. When compared to all the other characters, zombies and humans they look a bit giant compared to main player. Scale the main player up so that his head reaches a bit taller than everyone else, which may help to balance the look out. 

A helper- for continuity purposes- the helper has a backpack on him and the main player does not. Either add one for the main player or take backpack out. 

Zombie Wall- When playing the game the zombies in the zombie wall all move the same speed no matter what happens to the speed of the main wall. Right now they move too fast compared to the speed of the wall and the other zombies. It would be good if you slow them down, you may need to add more frames for this to work. As the speed of the wall increases, so does their movement. At the end, they really speed up. 

Zombie Wall Smoke- I know it has not been added yet, though when it does, it would make more sense if the smoke actually filled the screen instead of staying in one central location amongst the zombie wall. This is because the main player is wearing a mask and it is weird that no one else is? If the smoke actually moved across the screen it would give more reason for the main player to be wearing a gas mask. 

In Game Pause Button- Is there one? If  so what is it? If there is not one, it would be good to add one, so that the player could pause the game if something comes up.

Combo Text- What you have now is hard to read on the screen. It should not be black at least, it should be some bright color. It would be good if there was some icon that pops up and is bright and bold. 

End of Game- Have zombie wall rush and move off screen- their speed accelerates and the Game Over Screen Pops- Up. Also once the player dies, he should actually die- play a death animation. Right now the player just freezes and is still mowing.  

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


heres a quick render of the Portal, the FBX file wont work with the liquidy interior. So, were just going to have to render it. (This is not the perspective.)

Week 9

Week 9!

As of right now, everything will be due Thursday 9/11/2014. that means, particles, sprites, environments, sounds, start/end screen Everything. They all must be up for Obasi to take them on Thursday.

What we need is:
End screen - Andrea
Shop - Logan
Buttons - Logan
Portal - Josh
Environments (for bonus easter eggs) -Tika
meshy gibs - Josh

Whatever isnt in by Thursday means it wont be in the final game.
Theres not much left to do now, and not much time left. So get on IT!

Quick Stop Store

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Week 7

Where we are so far...

Obasi has re sized the characters , and added the zombie wall, we also decided to remove zombies flying. we also agreed to make the combo text more random in terms of where it appears.
Logan is continuing his work on the coffee cup, as well as the background work.
Akila is working on the revisions for the Humans, and Zombies that need work.
Tika has updated the in between on the environments.
Josh has begun adding Easter eggs, and working on the document. 
Justin has removed the falling animation for the wall, and re worked the size of them.
Andrea has begun texturing the blood and gore animations from the line work.
Andrew has begun adding a collision animation, and re tweaking the audio.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Zombie Mowers Blood and Gore concepts

So this is the block in of the blood and gore for the zombie mowers, Andrea will be texturing them.
These concepts are just the blood and gore, and will not feature the mowers themselves. this will be added onto them.

SFX are on teh MAA

New folder on the MAA with a plethora of SFX.  I recommend Game Music 1 - Pop Goes The Weasel for the in game music (It can be edited to better fit a loop).

zombie horde sprite sheet

Bloodtrail concept

So, after creating the blood trail concept, myself and andrew ran into a conundrum, if the player ever decides to translate up or down, the blood trail would technically follow, unless theres a way to generate the trail behind the mower.
The only way I could think of having the trail follow, is to have the trail broken up in to 40+ sprites, so that when the mower moves, the trail will be broken up.

and yes, its a concept, because I dont want to texture/color a idea that wont come to fruition.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

B Tillman Destroys The Game!

What We Need And Who's Gonna Do It:

SFX: Noises and music,   --Andrew

Zombie Tweaks: Gas zombie poots, B-ball human tosses ball, --Akila

Mower: Gas mask pronouncement --Andrew

Zombie Wall: IN GAME! Starts on screen, pushed back at level end. --Justin, Obasi

Environment:  Transitions --Tika

Shop:  Buttons, Background --Logan

Assets: Size relations fixed --Obasi

Story: Intro with background, Tell player the point of the game --Logan

Credit page with text and background image: Josh

Power Ups: Change lemonade to coffee/redbull.  Change coffee/redbull to a 5/7 second extreme boost in speed. -Logan, Obasi

Blood and GORE add unique obstacles: Josh

Monday, August 18, 2014

I did not see your Game Design Document? Where did you guys put it? It was never turned in. I need the document since it was part of your midterm grade. You were to have half of the document finished. Also this was stated in the agreement you signed the first day of class. Right now it is taken out of everyone's Midterm grade. I will need this document and will factor the finished paper at the end of the quarter when you turn your game in for the final presentation. You can email it to me, or bring it in next class when we get together on Tuesday. Thanks.

Mrs. Manis
Hey guys everything looked great with your game so far.  I really enjoyed playing it and seeing all those zombies go down. You guys are right on track with things when it comes to your game and animation. I also see that Obasi and Andrew, you guys have been working on the changes suggested from the last play testing, which is great, keep it up.

Fuller's Folly: Human 2

Helper Death Spritesheet

Sprite sheet for helper death

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Zombie Mower Alpha Notes PART 2: Revenge Of The Red Pen

So, I've taken care of 8 out of the 25 notes listed. Other things I am still in the process of completing, like bigger obstacles and shadows for other objects. Most I cannot do alone, like the visual to signify the store.  Also, there needs to be a 'Helper Death' Animation and animations for 'Flying Zombies'... if not I could just remove that aspect of the game all together.  I was thinking that a 'nuke power up' is already the 'push zombie wall back' upgrade.

In the meantime, everybody should look for royalty-free sound effects and fonts and maybe we can vote on the best ones next class.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Zombie Mower Alpha Notes

A Most Excellent Game!


  • Transitions between environments.
  • Noise or bigger visual to signify store.
  • Zombie wall animation.
  • Larger animation for player character.
  • Environment looping longer (2 or 3 times) before switch.
  • Something to signify a zombie is being thrown.
  • Percentages or number out of number tally for stats.
  • Instruction to include power ups and store button.
  • Fill out about page with credits and story.
  • Background for store and start page.
  • Bigger image for obstacles.
  • Pressing 'S' in store goes to a blank page.
  • Helper animation bugs when he hits a zombie.
  • The animation on putting the net away has an extra frame that extends the net.
  • Restart needs to reset the purchases and prices.
  • Zombies, humans, and obstacles need shadows.
  • Add a nuke power up.
  • Scale farm environment down vertically.
  • More apparent benefit to upgrading mower.
  • A speedometer to show how "fast" he player is going
  • Turn off "G-Man" cheat.
  • Add additional zombies and humans (when they come in).
  • Change environment looping to (City -> Suburb -> Farm -> Suburb -> City)
  • Change combo meter to pop ups at certain numbers (Killtacular!)
  • Does combo effect score?
Add Music.

Add Sound Effects for: 
Power Ups
Zombie Kill
Zombie Attack
Human Save
Human Kill
Obstacle Hit
Zombie Thrown


In progress

Alpha Review

The game is alright so far.
 - Zombie wall multiplier is a kind of extremely difficult
 - Flying Zombies that home in on the player are over powered and game ending, there is little to no way to dodge or kill them.
 - Store needs an Icon or someway to determine where to press the S key.

Power-Ups 2

Power-Ups 1